

 Draw Sailor Moon Step 6

Step 6: Draw a curved line similar to a letter C on the left side of Sailor Moon's head as a guide for her ear.


 Draw Sailor Moon Step 7

Step 7: That's it for the initial sketch! You have the basic shape for Sailor Moon. Now go in and tighten your drawing. From this point on, press harder with your pencil in order to get darker lines and a more defined sketch.


 Draw Sailor Moon Step 8

Step 8: Use the initial circles as guides to draw Sailor Moon's eyes. Darken the top and bottom part of each circle, and make the lines thick. Draw a few small lines on the top and bottom for Sailor Moon's eyelashes. Right above each eye, draw a thin curved line for her eyelids. Higher up on each eye, draw a thicker, curved line for her eyebrows.


 Draw Sailor Moon Step 9

Step 9: Inside each of Sailor Moon's eyes draw two ovals to represent glare. On the left side of each eye, draw a couple of lines to represent reflection. Darken the area that surrounds the main oval and the top part of the eyeball.


 Draw Sailor Moon Step 10

Step 10: On the right side of the vertical construction line and below the right eye, draw a small angled line similar to a greater-than sign (>) for Sailor Moon's nose. Use the U shape at the bottom as a guide to draw her mouth. Make the shape narrower and draw a curved line inside for the tongue.

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