

Draw Superman Full Body 20

Step 20: Use the lines under the chest as guides to draw the lower part of the torso. Follow the basic path of the guides but angle the lines a bit more as you darken them to make the top part wider. Draw two diagonal lines near the top of the midsection for the bottom of the rib cage. Now draw a series of short, curved lines under the rib cage for Superman's abdominal muscles. Don't close the shapes of the individual muscles. Leave a few gaps so that they don't look too pronounced.


Draw Superman Full Body 21

Step 21: Draw Superman's belt by first drawing the buckle as a small oval below the abs. Now draw the actual belt as small rectangular shapes on either side of the the buckle. Draw two smaller rectangular shapes on either side to create belt loops. Use the pentagon- like shape under the belt as a guide to draw his underoos. Follow the basic path of the guide but curve the lines more as you darken them.

Draw Superman Full Body 22

Step 22: Use the initial shapes on the left side of the body to draw the arm. Darken the outer edge of the initial half-circle to create the shoulder. Add a few lines inside for the muscles. Simply follow the path of the guides and darken the outer edge of the shapes to create the arm. Add a few lines within the shape of the arm to emphasize Superman's muscle structure. Draw a line at the bottom for the sleeve.


Draw Superman Full Body 23

Step 23: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw Superman's fist. Follow the path of the circle but make the fist smaller and more angled. Draw a small line similar to an angled letter U on the right side for the visible part of the thumb. Draw a series of short, diagonal lines on the bottom edge of the initial circle for the visible section of the folded fingers. Above each line, draw a small, curved line to represent the knuckles protruding. Draw a few short lines within the shape of the hand to indicate the tendons.

Draw Superman Full Body 24

Step 24: Use the shapes on the right side of the body as guides to draw Superman's other arm. Just darken the outer edge of the guides to create the shape of the arm. Add a few lines inside the shape of the arm to indicate the flexed muscles.

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