

How to Draw Elastigirl Helen Parr Incredibles Guide Lines

That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.


How to Draw Elastigirl Helen Parr Incredibles 11

Step 11: Inside the head, lightly sketch two small half-circles for Elastigirl's eyes. Use the initial lines as guides to help you with the placement. When you get the size and position right, darken the eyes. Draw the top line a little longer than the bottom part to emphasize the brows. Don't draw the eyes too far apart. Pay attention to their size and placement relative to the head.




How to Draw Elastigirl Helen Parr Incredibles 12

Step 12: Inside each eye, draw a small circle for the irises. The iris on the left should be near the middle of the eye. The iris on the right should be close to the left edge of the eye. Inside each iris, draw a dot for Elastigirl's pupils.


How to Draw Elastigirl Helen Parr Incredibles 13

Step 13: Draw Elastigirl's mask as a series of curved lines around the eyes. Sketch the shape of the mask lightly around the eyes. Use the initial lines as guides. The area between the eyes should be narrow, so curve those lines inward. When you get the shape right, darken the lines. The left side of the mask should be pointy. The right side should touch the edge of the head. Add a couple of lines at the top, near the middle, for the furrowed brow.


How to Draw Elastigirl Helen Parr Incredibles 14

Step 14: Draw the nose below the eyes as a short, angled line. The bottom of the nose should be very close to the lower edge of the initial circle. Add a couple of short, curved lines on the left side for Elastigirl's nostril.

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