
How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 6

Step 6: Under the head, draw a sloping, vertical line for the first part of the guide for Zero's body. On the right side of the head, draw a very long, almost horizontal line for the top edge of the guide for the body. At the bottom, draw another very long, curved line to close off the triangular guide for the body.

How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 7

Step 7: Inside the head, on top of the horizontal line, draw two small, oval-like shapes for the eyes. The bottoms of the shapes should be wider than the tops. Use the vertical line as a guide to space out the eyes. The eye on the left should be smaller because of the way Zero's head is turned. Shade in the eyes.

How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 8

Step 8: Draw a small circle on the tip of the muzzle for the Jack-o'-lantern nose on Jack Skellington's ghost dog. Add a little stem at the top. Don't make Zero's nose too big. The facial features of the jack-o-lantern will be added in the coloring step.

How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 9

Step 9: Darken the triangular shape under the nose for the top part of Zero's muzzle. Extend the bottom line inside the head near the eye ad make it wavy for the open mouth.

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