

How to Draw Spider-Man Step 11

Step 11: That's it! You now have a nice sketch of Spider-Man, the Marvel comic book hero. You can stop at this quick drawing for a rough, sketchy look or go for a more finished look by continuing to the next step.


How to Draw Spider-Man Step 12

Step 12: For a more finished, inked look, carefully draw over the final sketch lines with a pen or marker. Wait for the ink to dry, and then get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser. You now have a finished inked drawing of Spider-Man from Marvel Comics! You can stop here or go to the final step to complete your Spider-Man drawing.

How to Draw Spider-Man Final Step

Final Step: For a completely finished Spider-Man drawing, you have to color it. You can use markers, color pencils or even crayons! Spider-man is very easy to color – just color his mask red and leave his eyes blank. That's it! You now have a completed drawing of Spider-Man from Marvel Comics.

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