
How to Draw Bowser Super Mario Nintendo Full Body 6

Step 6: On top of the fist on the left, draw a long, curved line as a guide for the top part of the arm. This line should be similar to a tall arc on its side. The top of the arc should be very close to the head. Draw two short lines that connect the circle on the right to the head for the top part of Bowser's other arm.

How to Draw Bowser Super Mario Nintendo Full Body 7

Step 7: On the lower, left side of the body, draw two short, curved lines as guides for the top part of Bowser's first leg. Below the lines, draw a shape that's similar to a half-circle as a guide for the first foot. The left side of this shape should be pointier than the right side.

How to Draw Bowser Super Mario Nintendo Full Body 8

Step 8: On the right side, draw a set of similar shapes as guides for this Nintendo character's other leg and foot. The curved line for the top part of this leg should be longer than the top part of the leg on the left. The half-circle-like shape for Bowser's foot should be pointier on the right side.

How to Draw Bowser Super Mario Nintendo Full Body Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw Bowser Super Mario Nintendo Full Body 9

Step 9: Inside the head, on the top, left side of the guides, draw a thick, curved shape for the first eyebrow. Add some short, angled lines on the top side to make Bowser's eyebrow more bushy. The top part of the eyebrow should be wide and the bottom part narrow. To the right of the vertical guide line, draw a similar shape but flip it around and make it smaller for this Super Mario Bros. character's other eyebrow.

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